Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oak Grove Regional Park-the place for Frisbee Golf

Wow, there are so many things to do locally that are free; if one would just look beyond the every day and ordinary. Maybe we need to look more towards the ordinary; it’s where the precious moments are held in suspension just waiting for us to show up with our loved ones for a time/space continuum that will resonate into the far beyond future. Wow, sounds so Star-Trekkie. I found the perfect memory maker for my son and I today, just down the street from where I live; Oak Grove Regional Park on Eight Mile Rd and Interstate 5. The weather was perfect for a day in the park but what to do to fill the time? FB Golf (Frisbee Golf), four!  I’ve lived her all my life and never indulged in the sport. We parked around the corner to 1) avoid the $3 parking fee and 2) get some increased physical benefit during the afternoon. Much fun was had-mostly laughing at our inability to first, throw a frisbee and second, to visually spy the next basket which I will refer to as, “the target”. There were sometimes 2 targets to choose from one usually considerably closer in distance.  Brian and I suggest you warm up first by playing disc toss to one another.  Take your kids or your spouse and spend an afternoon away from the cell, laptop, and the boob tube; go have some fun and make some memories in the park.

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